Friday, August 7, 2009


Frisco Bog, acrylic, 8"h x 10"w, ©Chris Willey

Hanging Lake (Glenwood Springs, July), acrylic, 16hx20w, ©Chris Willey

We took a 3 week vacation to Colorado (all over), Park City, Utah, and Monterey, California.
This was from a hike near Glenwood Springs. It is a mile and a half up to this beautiful lake. Doesn't sound so bad, but it took an hour and a half to reach it. It felt like rock climbing, but the teenagers leaping past me indicated otherwise. I packed my fanny pack with a small watercolor set, post card size paper, and a tiny digital camera. I painted when we made it to the lake. I did another study back in our hotel, and finally, I did this one.